Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 2, 2014

[095] [Cake] Cake Mania 4 - Main Street

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I enjoyed this game very much - it's probably my favorite of the series next to lights, camera, action. The sense of humor is amusing, if a little corny, but the game play is very addictive. If you like your cake mania to be just about cake, then the added other shops will probably grate on your nerves, but I found the sushi shop in particular to be very fun and unique. The flower shop annoyed me in that it was basically the cake shop with flowers popping out of the cake machine and the frosters spewing wrapping paper. I'm pretty sure that would kill flowers in real life, but my idea of gardening is spending thirty seconds a day to look at the weeds in the flower bed in my backyard and say "wow, we should really do something about that", so what do I know? It all worked at a slower, and less manageable pace that became infuriating at times. If it wasn't for the flower shop, I would give this game a 5 rating hands down. 

The other part that I didn't particularly care for (even if it didn't annoy me per se) was the outer layer of the game where you bought attractions and upgraded the shops themselves - I found it to be a distraction and unnecessary. If you can replace bread with cake in France (bologna and mustard between two slices of red velvet cake anyone? no? More for me, then), then I think we can suspend our imaginations enough to believe that as the days go by, part of the shop's profits are being used to upgrade the town.....

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