Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 4, 2014
[168] [Pizza] Delivery King 2
I've been playing Puzzle Quest 2 for 40 hrs nearly nonstop, its a great game for strategy and puzzle enthusiasts perfectly blending both of these genres and even adding rpg elements into it. The outcome is a very fun and addicting game with plenty of depth & strategy to boot.
I doubt I can put down this gem anytime soon, it may take me weeks just trying out all the different combinations this game has to offer. Fortunately, you can relevel your stat choices once you'd reached a certain level by paying some gold.
However, there still some issues which keep me from rating this game a perfect 5 stars. The quests in puzzle quest 2 can get repetitive & boring.( As if playing diablo on single player after 60 hrs of grinding!) Thank godness, the match 3 type gameplay, rpg factor & simple quest lines make it more enjoyable .
Overall, this is one great game but can get a little repetitive at times.
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