Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 1, 2014

[022] [Arcade] [Kingdom] Land Grabbers

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This is a very frustrating game.....Or maybe I don't know how to use the right stratagies. The first few levels aren't too bad, but then around level five you suddenly start out with one small castle that you have to build up armies in while your neighboring opponants have three or four to start out with. As you build they build, but after you fight and win a new castle the opponants usually rush you to try to take it back. You can defeat the closest force, but by that time the other has amassed a lot of armies and keep overpowering you. It does give you a chance to bomb an opponant with a meteor, but that doesn't really seem to be as helpful as you would think because you still need a lot of armies to beat them once again.....I just keep shutting down the game in frustration because it's so one sided so early in the game. Most games let you get on a bit before getting that one sided. That's too bad because this could be a really fun game otherwise. If not for that I would have given this a higher rating.

There is one really comical aspect to the game. These are little midievil time troops running or riding horseback towrads each other as they attack....However the tower stongholds have laser guns that shoot attacking armies....The game doesn't explain how they had laser technology during midievile times, but it's funny......

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