Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 2, 2014

[110] [Farm] Vampires vs Zombies

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I played this game for a short time only and it drove me nuts. Maybe I should state I am not a time management game lover. But I clicked and nothing happened. I clicked in another place 10 seconds later and something happened. At the place I clicked first, that is.

The story looks like a good one. Things are hilarious, graphics are nice and funny. But except for the changes in settings, this is Farm Frenzy in a new jacket. And something went wrong with registering clicks. Not my cup of tea at all.

For those who love time mangement combined with lots of morbid humour: give this game a chance. Others may be better off looking for another game.......

Vampires vs. ZombiesVampires vs. Zombies
Vampires vs. Zombies
Vampires vs. Zombies

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