Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 2, 2014

[161] [Tower Defend] Royal Defense

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This is a Tower Defence/ Strategy game that looked promising but I’m afraid I found it to be a frustrating experience and feel it was a wasted opportunity as I could see the game had potential. 

There are three levels of play; easy, normal and hard. I played on easy and it was not easy for me, I consider myself an intermediate player but this ‘easy‘ level left me feeling like I was a total beginner. Perhaps I was missing something in the tutorial but there was not enough money/funds to buy weapons and right from the start there was a stream of enemies invading the fort/castle. If you start out at a disadvantage like that it seems to me to be almost impossible to ‘catch up’ so to speak. After that first level the pace did not let up, so a very steep learning curve all in the ‘easy’ level. I can’t imagine how normal level would be and will not even consider ‘hard’. 

I only took the trial up to five levels as I felt increasingly frustrated at the game play, no amount of strategy on my part could overcome the lack of funds/money. Perhaps I am not a skilful enough player at these kinds of games but I would have thought that ‘easy’ level would not be quite so frustrating. I didn’t finish the hour as I just didn’t feel like playing any longer. A pity as I could see the potential of a good game there ….somewhere. Graphics are pleasant enough, the menu had a wide a variety of weapons, spells and with forty levels it looked promising. I can only say those of you that are curious by all means take advantage of the free trial maybe you will fare better. 

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